2017年7月6日 星期四


 對槌球有興趣或初學的人,想找球場學習或練球嗎?請參考以下各縣市球場資訊!欲知更多球場,請洽詢本會02-2771-8928,或mail: gateballco@gmail.com

*大同槌球場 - 民生西路底水門外
*士林槌球場 - 士林百齡橋下
*大安森林公園槌球場 - 大安森林公園內
*松山民權公園 - 民權東路四段
*北投專用槌球場 - 北投行義路31巷11號之1

*內湖文心公園 - 內湖區新湖二路298-342號

INVITATION---International Gateball Championship Taichung 2017

Dear Sir/ Madam,
     We are happy to inform you that International Gateball Championship Taichung 2017 will be held in Nov.11th to 13th, 2017 at Taichung Football Field in Taiwan.
    We sincerely invite you and your teams to come to participate in the championship and visit TaichungFor more information about this championship, please refer to the following documents. We look forward to hearing from you and meeting you

Guideline For Foreign Teams
1.     Official Name: International Gateball Championship Taichung 2017
2.     Host: Chinese Taipei Gateball Association  
3.     Date: 2017.11.11-11.13
4.     Venue: Taichung Football Field
5.     Number of participate teams: 120 teams
